International travel plans? You may want to read this first

International travel bans are causing havoc for summer plans. Pictures:Pexels

International travel bans are causing havoc for summer plans. Pictures:Pexels

Published Nov 30, 2021


Booked an international trip this summer and things are now up in the air about your upcoming travels due to the new variant?

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding international travel, courtesy of Flight Centre.

I have a booking for travel in December, what do I do?

The first thing one should do is contact their travel agent or service providers to find out their options.

"Many suppliers have communicated policies for a certain time or have communicated a date in terms of when an implemented travel ban or restriction will end. If there is a policy in place which covers your travel dates in December, you would need to amend your travel as per this policy.

If a policy does not extend to your travel dates as yet, any changes or cancellations would be viewed as voluntary by the supplier and may incur a penalty fee," Flight Centre states on their website.

What happens if I want a refund?

Depending on your booking, you may be issued a refund or credit for future trips. Some airlines, accommodation and activities may offer you the chance to postpone your trip to a later date.

Can I remain at a destination until my holiday is complete?

If travellers are already on a holiday during travel ban announcements, they need to check the requirements. If there are disruptions, speak to your travel agent or supplier for advice on what to do next.

"It is important to check both the government and supplier requirements which may impact you. Generally, once the government of a respective country has made a decision regarding restrictions or a travel ban, the airlines flying in and out of that destination could alter their schedules.

"If you are in a destination which has imposed a travel ban or restriction, you need to check what options are available for your return to South Africa. If you are visiting South Africa and need to return to your home, it is vital that you check what options are available to you for travel now.

"It is also important to remember that although suppliers may communicate certain dates around their schedules, the situation is extremely fluid and subject to change at any time. Within the current climate, we have to recognise that a certain amount of inconvenience can be expected and that your travel may be disrupted," Flight Centre revealed.

How long will the restrictions be in place?

Flight Centre said many suppliers or government websites have communicated a date, regarding when a travel ban or restriction will be in place for.

"This is subject to change. Some suppliers and government websites may have noted that a travel ban or restriction is in place until further notice and pending a review. We will always ensure that we keep our customers and our community updated via our newsletters, our websites and our social media channels."