Beauty with purpose as Swiitch Beauty offers free products to registered voters

Rabia Ghoor the founder of Swiitch Beauty.

Rabia Ghoor the founder of Swiitch Beauty.

Published Jan 30, 2024


This year is important to South Africans because it’s a year of change. With the elections in May, all South Africans are encouraged to register to vote. If they do not vote, their vote automatically goes to the ruling party.

There are several schools in the rural areas without proper sanitation, the roads have not been maintained, they are full of potholes, public healthcare facilities are overcrowded and do not have enough supplies, and the list goes on.

To get more people to register to vote, South African beauty brand Swiitch Beauty has started an initiative to offer free beauty products to registered voters.

The initiative is part of the brand’s major campaign, #SwiitchRally, where they visit different provinces to connect with their supporters and encourage people to register to vote.

“Listen: show us proof of registration to vote at the rally this Saturday and get a free, full-sized #MonoTint,” announced the brand.

According to IEC, a total of 26,977,866 South Africans have registered to vote, and the youth between 18 and 19 are the lowest, with only 188,180 registered males and 248,305 females.

People between the age of 30-39 have the highest number of registered voters, with 3,109,317 males and 3,616,316 females.

Gauteng is the leading province with 6,323,514 registered voters.

Voting is open to South Africans from the age of 18 and above.