6 easy ways to use leftover milk

Milk is one of the top most wasted foods. Picture: Pexels/Roman Odintsov

Milk is one of the top most wasted foods. Picture: Pexels/Roman Odintsov

Published Jun 14, 2024


Milk is one of the top most wasted foods.

Sometimes, we buy milk for a recipe or a weekend brunch, and then it lingers in the fridge, half-used, with the expiration date barrelling down on us.

It’s a waste to pour sour milk down the drain and we are here to tell you that you need never do that again.

Instead of dumping milk down the drain, show it some love by turning it into delicious, sweet and savoury dishes.

Turn milk into whipped cream. Picture: Pexels/Oksana D

Turn milk into whipped cream

Craving something sweet? If you’re serving dessert soon, you can save money by making whipped cream out of your milk. This is a perfect way to use milk, especially if you can’t get to the store or can’t find any whipped cream.

Make your own buttermilk

If you don’t have any buttermilk on hand for baking, make your own by adding one tablespoon of lemon juice to every 250ml of milk.

Stir and leave for five to 10 minutes until it looks thickened and curdled, then stir. You can scale this up or down.

Freeze it

If you realise you’ve bought too much milk, freeze it for another day. Milk freezes easily and it’s great to have an emergency ration in the freezer on standby.

Just be sure to leave enough head space in the container to give the milk room to expand as it freezes. Milk should keep well in the freezer for up to a few months. When you want to use it, defrost it overnight in the fridge and shake well before using.

A fantastic way to start the day is with a calcium and fruit-filled smoothie. Picture: Pexels/Mike Jones

Drink it

This may sound obvious, but we are not talking about drinking it plain and straight from the bottle (though the calcium hit would undeniably do you and your family a world of good).

A fantastic way to start the day is with a calcium and fruit-filled smoothie. Strawberry and banana are a classic combination, or if you’re big on the health scene, opt for a green smoothie or a bright sunshine breakfast smoothie.

Cook macaroni and cheese for dinner

If you have kids, this is the perfect idea. Macaroni and cheese is a classic favourite among children and adults alike. It’s a delicious way to use some of the milk and serve dinner at the same time.

There are a variety of recipes available on the internet you can try out. All it takes is a quick Google search and you’ll get a lot of delicious options to try.

Tenderise meat with leftover milk

The lactic acid in milk is said to help tenderise chicken, fish or pork. Try marinading or poaching in chicken and check out the results.