Will Linley shares insights on recent US tour and latest single, ‘Blame’

Will Linley. Picture: Instagram

Will Linley. Picture: Instagram

Published May 16, 2024


South African artist Will Linley recently shared insights into his whirlwind music career, reflecting on his recent North American tour and the release of his latest single, “Blame”.

“It truly was such an unbelievable experience,” Linley shared when asked about his tour with Em Beihold.

“Em and her team were the kindest, most wonderful people ever. It was such an honour to be part of her tour.”

Following the success of his previous single, “Last Call”, which has garnered over 40 million streams globally, “Blame” is set to follow suit. Linley holds the song close to his heart, considering it one of his favourite compositions yet.

With a voice that can soothe and uplift, Linley's music strikes a chord with audiences. His genuine presence shines through his songs, creating a sense of connection with his growing fan base.

“I love interacting with my fans, that is by far my favourite! Creating honestly makes me incredibly anxious but being able to see the impact that my songs have on people around the world is incredibly humbling and makes me keen to continue this wonderful roller-coaster of a journey,” the 22-year-old singer expressed.

Linley touched on the inspiration behind “Blame”, a heartfelt dive into the ups and downs of love. With its relatable themes, the song resonates with listeners from all walks of life.

“‘Blame’ is a song about the difficulty of having to walk away from somebody that you love,” Linley explained. “It’s really hard when it feels like life has different plans to what you’d hoped.”

Transitioning from touring in North America to landing a spot on the Lollapalooza festival line-up, Linley expressed profound appreciation for his music career’s trajectory.

Despite the challenges of being away from home and the mental toll of back-to-back tours, he finds solace in the unwavering support of loved ones and fellow musicians.

“I’m really, really grateful,” Linley said. “It’s sometimes hard to practise gratitude when you’re on the move, but I honestly have to keep on pinching myself."

Throughout the conversation, Linely shared valuable advice for aspiring musicians, emphasising the importance of collaboration and authenticity in the creative process.

“Make music with people you love and just don’t stop writing,” he advised.

“Find people you’re comfortable with and just dive in with them, be vulnerable with them, love life with them. That’s when you’ll make the best music,” he concluded.