Omicron variant drives sharp spike in North West Covid-19 infections

North West Health MEC Madoda Sambatha calls on community members to understand their role in assisting the government to deal with the pandemic. Picture: African News Agency (ANA)

North West Health MEC Madoda Sambatha calls on community members to understand their role in assisting the government to deal with the pandemic. Picture: African News Agency (ANA)

Published Dec 14, 2021


Rustenburg – The North West province recorded a sharp increase numbers of the Covid-19 infection cases over a month, the provincial Department of Health said.

"A sharp rise in daily cases showed that the 4th wave is on the horizon. Scientist believe that this has been largely due to the Omicron variant. However, we must also agree that when we come out of the 3rd wave, we began to relax," Health MEC Madoda Sambatha said.

He said it was important for community members to be informed on what the government was planning to combat this pandemic, to request vigilance and for community members to understand their roles as individuals and the collective in assisting the government to deal with this pandemic.

The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the North West Province was 165 462 as on December 13 with 149 639 people having recovered from the coronavirus which was 90.4% recovery rate.

The province now has a total of 11 469 active cases. A total of 713 cases were identified in the last 24 hours.

"Sadly 4 354 deaths have been recorded since the start of Covid-19. On November 15 the province only had 676 active cases. Now, a month later December 13, we have a total of 11 469 active cases. If anyone doubts we are on the 4th wave then the numbers should leave you with no doubts."

The North West province has now administered over 1 672 330 vaccines.

"We still need just over a million to get to 2.69 million vaccinations which will give us population immunity in the province," Sambatha said.