LIVE BLOG: 55th ANC Elective Conference at Nasrec as it happens

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa, Deputy President David Mabuza and Treasurer Paul Mashatile. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa, Deputy President David Mabuza and Treasurer Paul Mashatile. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Dec 16, 2022


The governing ANC gathers at Nasrec this weekend to elect new leadership. IOL provides you with rolling coverage as the weekend unfolds.

The Phala Phala Farmgate scandal looms large over President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is seeking a second term in office.


UPDATE: President Cyril Ramaphosa has concluded his political report to open the conference. ANC National Chairperson Gwede Mantashe has adjourned the 55th National Conference at Nasrec until 9am on Saturday morning.

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa and his deputy David Mabuza share a light moment. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)
President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers the political report at the ANC’s 55th National Conference. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)
Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma at the 55th ANC National Conference currently being held at Nasrec, in Johannesburg. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)
Presidential hopeful Lindiwe Sisulu. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)
Former President Jacob Zuma arrives at the 55th ANC National Conference. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)
ANC National Chairperson Gwede Mantashe. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)
President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers his address. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)
Former President Jacob Zuma. Picture: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)

UPDATE: On renewal, Ramaphosa said the ANC must be an organisation that distinguishes itself by the quality, capability and political consciousness of its cadres. The ANC must draw into its leadership ranks the best in our society, the most committed patriots, who seek to serve the people without any expectation of reward.

UPDATE: On last year's local government elections, Ramaphosa said: "The 2021 local government elections were, however, a significant setback for the organisation and for the NDR. For the first time in the history of our democracy, our share of the national vote dropped below 50%."

UPDATE: Before leaving local politics to focus on the African continent, Ramaphosa spoke about the Zondo commission and the need to follow up on its findings and go after those implicated. He says they know that they will be a push back by those who have to be pursued.

Worth noting from Ramaphosa's political report was that the ANC intends to do away with community participation in the selection of councillors. He says they have found that these community-selected councillors later turn their back on the party and become "independents" once they are in office.

Ramaphosa gets cold reception at conference

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa received a cold reception on the first day of the party’s 55th national elective conference at Nasrec, south of Johannesburg.

At the start of delivering his political report to the more than 4 500 delegates members from KwaZulu-Natal and half of Gauteng attending the conference heckled and bolted anti-Ramaphosa songs while they gestured with their hands for change.

Read the full story here.

UPDATE: President Cyril Ramaphosa is now talking about the fight against corruption. He says they have strengthened the likes of the NPA and the Hawks. Furthermore, to fight corruption, he says they set up the Zondo commission which unearthed rot in government implicating local and international companies.

Ace Magashule calls for manual count for ANC top six positions

Suspended ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule has called for a manual count of the voting process during elections of the ANC's top brass at the party’s 55th national conference in Soweto.

Magashule said he had reliably learnt that President Cyril Ramaphosa was conflicted because the wife of one of his close legal allies was involved in the electoral process for the top six.

Read the full story here.

UPDATE: Ramaphosa says they are recruiting more police officers in the fight against crime. He says he attended the passing parade of 12 000 new officers. The police have established specialised units to deal with extortion gangs and construction mafia.

UPDATE: He says there are misconceptions about Just Energy Transition. He says there are no plans to close down all coal-fired power stations. Medupi and Kusile will remain for the foreseeable future. The pace for Just Energy Transition must be informed by SA's own needs.

UPDATE: He says the economy is showing signs of recovery. Statistics show that nearly 1.5 million new jobs were created last year, although we did not recover all the jobs we lost during the pandemic. He says during the start of Covid the country lost 2 million jobs.

UPDATE: Ramaphosa says 11 million people are without work. They threaten social stability. Unemployment among young people is the country's greatest challenge and urgent task.

Video: Oupa Mokoena/African News Agency (ANA)

UPDATE: He says the procurement of emergency power is an urgent issue. This is an option that they need to focus on. If they do not do that load-shedding will remain with the country much longer

UPDATE: He says the effects of load shedding are experienced every day. Loadshedding constrains the economy. Ramaphosa says load shedding is a threat to the National Democratic Revolution. He says R3bn has been recovered by Eskom as part of state capture. He said the process to split Eskom into three entities is in the final stage. He says they expect 9 000MW in embedded generation in the near future.

UPDATE: He says more than 50% of the budget goes to the social wage programmes. This does not happen in many parts of the world. While they were trying to recover from Covid-19, the July unrest in 2021 and the Russia-Ukraine war started.

The macroeconomic stability they fostered enables the economy to grow going forward.

UPDATE: He says in the decade leading to the 54th conference the economy was characterised by low growth. The ANC adopted resolutions that would ignite growth in the economy.

UPDATE: Ramaphosa says economic transformation stands at the centre of the next transition. It means the structure of the economy must be transformed to serve the people of SA. Economic transformation means an economy that is growing.

UPDATE: Ramaphosa says the Covid-19 pandemic has devastated the economy and led to many job losses.

A total of 18 million people received grant payments. More than 5.7 million people received wage support through the UIF relief scheme. Businesses were also given financial support. A total of R20bn to health as a response to the pandemic.

Step-aside rule will become a thorn in the hearts of many ANC delegates, says Kodwa

The Deputy Minister in the Presidency, Zizi Kodwa, said he expected the step-aside rule to be one of the issues to play out at the 55th national conference of the ANC in Soweto.

The step-aside rule has been a dividing factor among ANC members who feel that the rule has been applied differently to different people. Some felt that the step-aside rule was fashioned to deal with political enemies of the Ramaphosa faction.

Read the full story here

UPDATE: Ramaphosa talks about the state of our economy. He says the cost of living has affected many people.

He says corruption and mismanagement meant resources for the poor are diverted. The triple challenge of poverty, inequality, and unemployment remain huge problems in the country.

It is unacceptable that half of the people in South Africa live in poverty and less than a quarter live beyond the poverty line.

UPDATE: He pays tribute to former Deputy Secretary-General Jessie Duarte, former Cabinet minister Jackson Mthembu, stalwart Andrew Mlangeni, and many more comrades who have died since the last conference in 2017.

UPDATE: He says after Covid-19, the floods and other challenges they are beginning to see some green shoots emerge.

— Kailene Pillay (@kailenepillay) December 16, 2022

— Kailene Pillay (@kailenepillay) December 16, 2022

UPDATE: Gwede Mantashe says the political report will be delivered as the crowd makes a noise.

Ramaphosa takes to the stage to deliver the report and urges a group at the conference to stop singing. Zuma enters the venue with his supporters singing in his support.

Ramaphosa supporters also join in his support.

UPDATE: Gwede Mantashe says they have now officially opened the conference

— Kailene Pillay (@kailenepillay) December 16, 2022

UPDATE: ANC conference finally gets under way with Ramaphosa joined by the Top Six and members of the NEC on stage. Denominational prayers at the moment.

Dr Zweli Mkhize rides early wave of support from delegates

Pro-Zweli Mkhize delegates have stood up boldly in expressing their full support for Mkhize as he runs the race to be the next president of the ANC.

Scores of delegates from different parts of the country have converged at Nasrec, where they are set to elect a progressive leadership that will bring new life to a country mired in multiple crises.

Read the full story here

UPDATE: ANC Gauteng ANC PEC member, Lebogang Maile, speaking to the media outside Nasrec expo in Johannesburg where the ANC national elective conference is held, says the outgoing NEC is the worst ever and it failed in its duties in the last five years.

WATCH: Expelled ANC member Carl Niehaus at Nasrec

Video: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)

UPDATE: There are signs that at last, the ANC's national elective conference in Nasrec is about to start. Some delegates have already moved to the venue while others are in front of it, singing songs about their preferred candidates for the Top Six.

On stage, several NEC members and veterans are taking their positions.

WATCH: Lindiwe Sisulu among ANC members commemorating 61 years since formation of uMkhonto we Sizwe

Video: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)

Ramaphosa lobbyists allegedly offered R20k bribes to delegates

As the 55th ANC conference kicks off on Friday at Nasrec Expo Centre, allegations of voting-buying by President Cyril Ramaphosa’s lobbyists have surfaced.

A delegate from OR Tambo region in Eastern Cape has exclusively told Independent Media that he was approached by a group led by two cabinet ministers known to be aligned with the president and offered him R20 000 cash to vote for the president's slate.

Read the full story here

Delegates remain upbeat in spite of delays at the 55th ANC conference

The delay to the start of the 55th ANC national conference has not dampened the spirits of the few delegates who have arrived and been processed at the Nasrec conference.

Most of those have entered the plenary session venue for the official opening of the conference, where ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa is set to give his political report before the resumption of the official day of the conference.

Read the full story here

ANC elective conference: Has Unity left the WhatsApp group?

OPINION: Day 1 of the conference takes place on Reconciliation Day, but can warring members of the ruling party reconcile, asks Noni Mokati.

Read her opinion piece here.

Registration by delegates delays the formal start of the ANC’s 55th National Elective Conference at Nasrec

Registrations by delegates delay the formal start of the ANC’s 55th National Elective Conference.

Delays are the order of the day for the much-awaited 55th ANC National Elective Conference, as a number of delegates are still at the registration table.

Read the full story here

WATCH: Ace Magashule outside Nasrec, tells delegates ‘I am around’

Suspended and outgoing ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule surprisingly showed up at the Nasrec Expo Centre where the 55th party’s national elective conference is taking place.

Video: Sihle Mavuso/IOL

He told the media earlier that it was up to the delegates to fight his suspension case so that he could take part in the conference.

Read the full story here

WATCH: ANC KZN spokesperson is confident Dr Zweli Mkhize will win 55th ANC National Conference

ANC National Spokesperson Pule Mabe addresses the media after the start of the 55th ANC National Conference was delayed by five hours on Friday. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
ANC National Spokesperson Pule Mabe addresses the media after the start of the 55th ANC National Conference was delayed by five hours on Friday. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)

JUST IN: Suspended and outgoing ANC secretary-general, Ace Magashule, is in the vicinity of the Nasrec where the national elective conference is taking place. He says the party electoral committee sent him a letter saying he had been nominated to contest for a position in the NEC, but it later said he had been disqualified. He produced a letter from the committee to prove that.

A delay with registrations resulted in hundreds of delegates to the 55th ANC National Conference queueing outside Nasrec. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
A delay with registrations resulted in hundreds of delegates to the 55th ANC National Conference queueing outside Nasrec. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
A delay with registrations resulted in hundreds of delegates to the 55th ANC National Conference queueing outside Nasrec. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
A delay with registrations resulted in hundreds of delegates to the 55th ANC National Conference queueing outside Nasrec. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)

UPDATE: ANC national chairperson Gwede Mantashe has confirmed the delay of the start of the conference. Mantashe said some of the delegates were still registering outside the main venue for the start of the conference.

He said the conference was now going to start at 2pm. It was initially scheduled to start at 9am with President Cyril Ramaphosa to deliver his political report.

It would have gone into a closed session.

‘Come December 20, Mkhize will emerge at Nasrec’ – Mtolo

KwaZulu-Natal ANC secretary Bheki Mtolo believes that ANC presidential hopeful Zweli Mkhize will emerge as the next president of the organisation after the ANC’s national elective conference this weekend in Joburg.

In an interview Mtolo had with Newzroom Afrika around the much-anticipated congress, Mtolo said President Cyril Ramaphosa was very lucky to escape the impeachment process in Parliament on Tuesday.

Read the full story here.

WATCH: Vendors are ready for business at Nasrec

WATCH: 55th ANC National Conference Media Briefing

UPDATE: Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma has just told her supporters via Twitter that the fact that she is being disciplined for voting for the adoption of the Phala Phala report does not bar her from standing for election in the ANC conference at Nasrec. She says if nominated from the floor, she would accept it and stand.

A clothing vendor sells ANC merchandise. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
A food vendor shows off her wares at Nasrec, where the 55th ANC National Elective Conference is taking place. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
There is a heavy police presence at Nasrec where the ANC’s 55th National Elective Conference is taking place. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)
Delegates go through security checks at Nasrec where the ANC’s 55th National Elective Conference is taking place. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)

ANC Greater Johannesburg secretary endorses Zweli Mkhize for president of the party

As the 55th ANC elective conference kicks off in Johannesburg, an ANC national executive committee young nominee and ANC’s greater Johannesburg sub-regional secretary Phapano Phasha has endorsed Dr Zweli Mkhize to be elected as president of the ANC at weekend.

Phasha said Mkhize has what it takes to renew and rescue the ANC from collapse. She said what was clear and likely to save the ANC was a new leadership breed that will be centred on the struggles of the people and restore the ANC as a leader of society and said that leadership should be under Mkhize’s presidency.

Read the full story here.

UPDATE: Despite proceedings being expected to kick off at 9am, the ANC's 55th elective conference is yet to start. According to the official programme, President Cyril Ramaphosa was supposed to have delivered his political report already but this has not yet happened. It is unclear what the cause of the delay is.

Delay in registration at Nasrec ahead of 55th ANC Elective Conference

Some non-voting delegates are still waiting to retrieve their full registration after having spent the night outside the venue to register for the 55th ANC National Elective conference, which is set to begin this morning.

The conference, in which the party will choose its next leadership to take the party forward, is set to take place from Friday until December 20th.

Read the full story here.

Signal jamming ploy may ensure another Cyril Ramaphosa win

Johannesburg - The ANC has remained mum over reports that signal jamming and network problems might be the order of the day to ensure that President Cyril Ramaphosa wins the 55th ANC National Conference, which begins in earnest on Friday (16 December).

Certain members of the ANC have reported that plans are afoot to ensure that Ramaphosa and his faction win the upcoming 55th National Conference at all costs this weekend.

Read the full story here.

Former President Jacob Zuma institutes criminal charges against President Cyril Ramaphosa

It remains to be seen what the first day of the ANC's elective conference has in store for delegates as senior leaders, namely President Cyril Ramaphosa and the party's former leader Jacob Zuma have already locked horns ahead of the 55th gathering

On Thursday evening, Zuma, through his foundation, issued a statement indicating that he was instituting charges against Ramaphosa and that this would be dealt with through private prosecution.

Read the full story here.

Here is how the ANC’s elective conference will proceed on Friday

Thousands of ANC members are gathered at the Nasrec expo centre in Johannesburg for their 55th national conference, where the race for the party’s presidency is mainly between Dr Zweli Mkhize and the incumbent, President Cyril Ramaphosa.

As a result, the programme has already been drawn up and is being circulated to members on registration.

Read the full story here.

Which bull has the biggest horns at the ANC farm, Phala Phala or Digital Vibes?

The ANC has a huge decision to make at their national elections conference on Friday, and that question is: Which bull has the biggest horns at the ANC farm? Is it Phala Phala or Digital Vibes, or both? This is a figure of speech, in case readers are wondering.

Read the full story here.

Presidential hopeful Zweli Mkhize Zweli calls for balanced Top Six ahead of ANC Elective Conference

Johannesburg - Dr Zweli Mkhize’s lobbyists in KwaZulu-Natal say they would ask their Gauteng counterparts to choose one or two candidates to be in the top six with Mkhize as they cannot accept all the three candidates from one province.

Speaking to Independent Media on Thursday, Mkhize's campaign manager Simphiwe Blose said the line-up on Mkhize's slate was not yet final and was to be consolidated and be finalised by later on Thursday.

Read the full story here.