Joshlin Smith: Laurentia Lombaard admits to lying to police official

Judge Nathan Erasmus has not been afraid to ask the hard questions. 
Image: Ayanda Ndamane/Independent Newspapers

Judge Nathan Erasmus has not been afraid to ask the hard questions. Image: Ayanda Ndamane/Independent Newspapers

Published Mar 20, 2025


On the 14th day of the Joshlin Smith trial, Laurentia Lombaard shocked the court by confessing to lying to a police officer during her arrest, raising questions about her credibility as she faces cross-examination from Fanie Harmse, the legal representative for Jacquen ‘Boeta’ Appollis."

As Lombaard was being grilled on her statements made to police after her arrest and her confession. 

She is still under cross-examination by Harmse.

The court heard that Lombaard was initially interviewed by Captain Cilliers who took her statement regarding the incident. 

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This interview was also filmed, the judge and legal counsels have already viewed the footage. 

It is not sure if the footage will be played in court. 

Lombaard told the court when she gave her statement to Cilliers she did not really trust her and had reservations about the officer. 

Judge Erasmus was not afraid to ask the hard questions. He asked why she then spoke to the police captain and she responded: “I didn't know she was going to come to me. I just spoke. I didn’t know if I could tell people what happened,” the court heard. 

The court heard two days prior to her arrest, Lombaard was doing drugs, and the possibility of her being drugged during the interview is high. 

Judge Erasmus also asked her if she was expecting any benefits after speaking to the police captain and she said no. 

“As recorded on the statement you told her: ‘My wish is that they would grant me free bail so I can go home and come to court from home,” Judge Erasmus said. 

“She asked me so I answer, she did not simplify the statement for me so I could understand it,” Lombaard told the court. 

The topic of the money being shared among them also came up. 

Previously, Lombaard testified that the sangoma was going to pay Kelly R20,000 for Joshlin and Kelly decided she would give co-accused Steveno van Rhyn R1,200, Lombaard R1,000 and share the rest among her and Boeta. 

Lombaard remained adamant this discussion took place on Sunday, February 18, 2024, a day before Joshlin disappeared. 

Judge Erasmus again stepped in and asked when she told Captain Cilliers about the discussion of the money. She said the Sunday. However, Judge Erasmus said on the footage she told the police captain the discussion took place the Monday. 

“Did you lie to Captain Cilliers?” Judge Erasmus asked. 

“Yes,” Lombaard responded.

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