Opposition parties call for action against Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane after alleged ‘super spreader’party

KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane at a press briefing with KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala. Picture Supplied.

KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane at a press briefing with KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala. Picture Supplied.

Published Aug 25, 2021


DURBAN - OPPOSITION parties have asked for KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane to be investigated and held accountable for an alleged “super spreader” event.

Dr Rishigen Viranna, DA health spokesperson, said the party had written to the Premier’s office to take immediate steps and investigate the party.

“We’re in the middle of a pandemic as a province. The same MEC a few days ago held a press conference notifying the public of increased Covid-19 cases and deaths – then the very next day she has a party? She is being a hypocrite. We want the premier to assess her competence to hold the office.”

Ncamisile Nkwanyana, IFP provincial health spokesperson, said Simelane’s behaviour was alarming. “We want answers from the MEC and premier’s office. There are people who have criminal records because they did not wear a mask in public. She must not receive any special treatment.”

The health department said the MEC would submit a report to the office of the premier in due course over an alleged surprise intimate birthday party. It said the event involved 36 people – which was allowed in terms of the current level 3 lockdown restrictions on gatherings.

The MEC has come under fire amid reports by the national Health Department and the National Institute of Communicable Diseases of KZN being in a third wave of Covid-19 infections.

KZN Health spokesperson Ntokozo Maphisa said the MEC accepted an invitation to a purported meeting, which instead was a surprise lunch for her birthday. “This lunch was organised and attended by close family and friends. During a musical performance guests stood up amid their meal and danced, without wearing masks. The MEC deeply regrets the failure by some attendees, including herself, at that time, to wear masks.”

Lennox Mabaso, spokesperson for the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government, said Premier Sihle Zikalala was aware of the reports regarding an alleged social engagement involving Simelane.

“Premier Zikalala has also taken note of the statement subsequently issued by the MEC and the commitment made by the MEC to provide a report to the premier regarding the allegations.”