Crime experts concerned about police’s ability to handle attacks on trucks

A long queue of trucks on their way to the Richards Bay port on the N2 this week. Police Minister Bheki Cele says patrols have been stepped up on key routes after 21 trucks were torched in attacks across three provinces since Saturday. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo African News Agency (ANA)

A long queue of trucks on their way to the Richards Bay port on the N2 this week. Police Minister Bheki Cele says patrols have been stepped up on key routes after 21 trucks were torched in attacks across three provinces since Saturday. Picture: Doctor Ngcobo African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jul 13, 2023


Durban - While Police Minister Bheki Cele insists that law-enforcement authorities have learnt lessons from the July 2021 unrest two years ago, crime experts yesterday questioned the handling of the truck attacks, saying it was a long-standing matter that had not been addressed.

Cele revealed in a briefing yesterday that 12 suspects linked to the attacks, which started on Saturday, had been identified.

The attacks saw 21 trucks burnt in Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga over the past few days.

Gareth Newham, Head of Justice and Violence Prevention at the Institute for Security Studies, said the torching and attacks on trucks had been going on for years.

“In 2019, crime intelligence identified that there was a criminal syndicate involved in the burning and hijacking of trucks. Unfortunately the crime intelligence (personnel) involved in this investigation were removed. We possibly could have been in a better position than we are in now as the attacks on trucks have continued.”

Newham added that the continuous torching of trucks made it clear that crime intelligence was struggling to ­handle the issue.

“Crime intelligence has been identified as a key issue, and it does beg the question: What is being done to address crime intelligence by the current leadership?

“We have not seen an improvement in the safety situation – in fact it has got worse. There needs to be an inquiry into crime intelligence as they have all the resources at their disposal.”

KZN violence monitor Mary de Haas agreed that the torching of trucks was not a new problem.

“Crime intelligence plays a crucial role in fighting organised crime. The urgency of addressing critical problems in the SAPS Crime Intelligence division was confirmed by the Zondo Commission. These recommendations have been ignored, and crime intelligence has lurched from bad to worse.”

De Haas added that there were also issues with public order policing.

“During the July 2021 mayhem, public order policing were absent from the worst affected areas. There has been very little done to add to their number over the past few years. July 2021 (unrest) was a dire warning of how easy it is to sow anarchy, and the government has not taken remedial action to ensure our national security.”

Cele said that the torching of the trucks was organised criminality, and not random acts of violence.

“There have been 21 trucks torched since Sunday, with nine trucks torched in KZN. There have also been nine trucks torched in Mpumalanga, with the latest incident taking place early yesterday morning between Piet Retief and Ermelo, where four trucks were set alight.”

Cele added that the police’s plan of action was being implemented and that 12 suspects had been identified as being linked to the attacks this week.

“We remain on high alert and are working hard at preventing more attacks, and are also hard at work in finding those responsible for the attacks on trucks. We have increased police visibility in all provinces. We also want to thank the SANDF, which is working with us in KZN. All major routes are secured and regular patrols are being carried out.”

Cele added that there was no evidence that the current attacks were ­­ in any way linked to the 2021 July unrest.

“I wish to allay any fears, we will not allow a repeat of the 2021 July unrest. To date we have arrested 67 people in 11 cases linked to the July 2021 unrest. The police are investigating 107 cases in KZN related to the torching of trucks since 2018. Twenty-six dockets have been opened, and 24 of those people have been arrested, and eight people have been sentenced by the courts.”

Cele insisted that they had learnt from their mistakes since the July 2021 unrest.

“The security cluster is working in unison and is in a better state to respond to any eventuality. We appeal to motorists, road users and truck drivers to report any suspicious activity to the police,” he said.