Durban pro wrestler ready to compete in major African wrestling event

Chatsworth professional wrestler Joshua Jesse Chetty, or ‘Joshua The Bull’ , right, is pictured at WrestleMonster, the biggest African wrestling event, in 2016. He is now gearing up to take part in WrestleMonster 5, which is taking place in Nelson Mandela Bay in two weeks. Picture: Supplied

Chatsworth professional wrestler Joshua Jesse Chetty, or ‘Joshua The Bull’ , right, is pictured at WrestleMonster, the biggest African wrestling event, in 2016. He is now gearing up to take part in WrestleMonster 5, which is taking place in Nelson Mandela Bay in two weeks. Picture: Supplied

Published Mar 23, 2023


Durban — In two weeks’ time a Chatsworth professional wrestler has to step into the ring to face a mystery opponent in what is said to be the biggest African wrestling event.

Joshua Jesse Chetty, also known as “Joshua The Bull”, who has been wrestling for 13 years, said he was excited and nervous at the same time to be competing in WrestleMonster 5, which is taking place in Nelson Mandela Bay.

“In the Champions Pro Wrestling (CPW) I normally compete in the hardcore division, but at WrestleMonster 5 I’ll be fighting in a singles match. This is really big; it’s like the Superbowl. Tens of thousands of people will be watching,” he said.

Chetty said the event was due to be held in April 2020 but could not take place owing to Covid-19.

“The event got postponed due to the virus and it got postponed a few times due to the number of people that were getting infected. Currently, I’m training very hard. I’m doing vigorous cardio and cross-fit to keep me in shape. My training has to be very intense and my cardio has to be very good. I have to be on a strict diet as well to fuel my training.

“This isn’t my first time competing at WrestleMonster. I was on WrestleMonster a few times,” said Chetty.

Chatsworth professional wrestler Joshua Jesse Chetty last took part in the biggest African wrestling event, WrestleMonster, in 2016. He is now gearing up to take part in WrestleMonster 5, which is taking place in Nelson Mandela Bay in two weeks. Picture: Supplied

He is proud to have had some of his matches aired on national television.

He said this was the third time he would be participating in an event such as this where the best of the best wrestle each other.

“This is the Superbowl of African Wrestling. This is CPW’s wrestling extravaganza,” said Chetty.

CPW was formerly known as World Wrestling Professionals (WWP). He said that he has been passionate about combat sports since he was a child.

“I also played rugby and soccer. As I got into high school I began to throw discus and I used to win numerous gold medals in that. I was athletic from the time I was a child. I was a huge wrestling fan as far as I can remember and I would honestly say that I am still a huge wrestling fan.”

Chatsworth professional wrestler Joshua Jesse Chetty, or ‘Joshua The Bull’ (in black), is pictured at WrestleMonster, the biggest African wrestling event, in 2016. He is now gearing up to take part in WrestleMonster 5, which is taking place in Nelson Mandela Bay in two weeks. Picture: Supplied

He said he started wrestling on November 13, 2010. He was 18 years old at the time and it was at a historical event.

“I wrestled during the celebration of the arrival of the Indians in South Africa and present at the event was wrestling legend Tiger Ellappan.

“And following that, I won several championships and awards. I won match of the year in 2012, 2013 and 2014. My greatest moment is when I won the WWP Tag Team Championship in Durban in 2016. I was the first Indian to hold the WWP Tag Team Championship title.”

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